We have all been touched by Tech

Fareya Azfar
3 min readSep 10, 2019

Whether you define your company as future-focused and innovation-centric or not, you might be one of the people or organizations that are not cognizant of how much and how fast its operations, processes, back-office and delivery models processes, delivery and organization system is leveraging digital technology.

The technological revolution is touching all of us, no matter the market sector or type of organization. We have already hopped on the wagon. So why do we still resist to learn tech terms, or the laws, or ledger systems?

I have a theory.

In the age of industrialization, people could touch and see the invention, or the new shiny thing which made their life easier — toaster, TV, aerosal sprays. If we bought or sold goods, we had to know what rules protect us from fraud, defective product or a product which did not deliver at all. We also wanted to know what would happen if my car caused an accident, or if the goods sent by sea did not have a bill of lading.

There were rules that were complex, new and alien to us then, some we liked, some we didn’t, and others we didn’t even care to know. However, we adapted because we could touch and see the goods or container confiscated at the port.

But technology, like mental health, cannot be touched or watched as it transmits one data point to another (I am a lawyer and so I have written in bold what is probably mumble jumble). If we do not know where is the cloud that stores our data, why would be scared of hacks? We cannot see the physical act of hacking, so it does not occur to us that if our data or servers are hacked, then all that it holds is in peril — example, funds transfer fraud, phishing scams.

If you are a tradesman selling goods, you are more likely to accredit the laws for the sale of goods. But we use technology without being aware of it — where is the cloud?

my husband points up when he asks for help to retrieve his file from clouds..

My husband is old school, he never had a facebook account or downloaded an android app. However, he asked me how to access a document he is working at home, from his computer — in other words, he wanted to use the cloud to sync his files and access from anywhere.

Asking me how I mirror my phone to our TV before I am about to travel, well you tell me — is he as old fashioned as he thinks to be?

Whenever we adapted to new rules (minimum wage, limited hours), we evolved and said “the good old days when…” we could fly without cumbersome security, or smoke in restaurants, or worse, did not have to pay taxes?

We have no choice the law which is pacing with technology advancements so that the law can offer recourse to the abuses of the automated life, or lay down limits for its use. Law that is designed to protect and progress in the era of digitalisation.

I ask my clients to take any of my “9 Questions to Determine…” and decide for themselves if the words encryption or the role of Data Protection Officer applies to them.

visit www.fareyaaraoui.com: https://fareyaaraoui.com/seafarers-abandonment/

